situation you're not moving away from the same place
you've stayed in during the entire course of your life
and that's the curled up and unfurling
continuum you continue being trapped
within some call it a life some call it fate
whereas some just refer to it as the world
or the date of a universe and even while
it's all those things and more or less
a thrust in head plunged cold inside
this crystal bowl inverted from
the farthest shore instead of
being turned inside out
its just another way
of looking at the phenomenon
without having to sacrifice
yourself at all the point of
misidentifying our own selves
comes with the shifting territory
so never mind the blasted dust
of the scouring winds if any of us
hope to find enough trust among
our friends to do what it takes so
the fun never ends then so be it
and welcome as our personal guest
I'm willing to bet that you didn't pass
the test well neither did I because
we're all just the same which becomes
in the end a similar reason to not have to
pretend for the countering mindset to attack
and destroy all we hold dear to our hearts
that annoy the resistance built up all our lives
waiting alongside us for coffee in long Starbucks lines
where most of us may just wait on forever in hopes
of receiving our steaming hot drinks while the rest
have just vanished like steam from the sink
and the leaves in the trees are all waving goodbye
and its dawning on everyone they'd been doing that since
the beginning of time just waving us all away
one at a time whether we walked on by
or gave their branches a climb
it never mattered a hair nor measure
of worth regardless of how much lumber
we felled or how dark the skies churned
while the charred wood smelled of October
with bloody rust bucket skies and poisoned sunsets
from reactors stationed less than three miles nearby
miniature cellular gravity wells warping the magnetic
electronic fields of spacetime out side in to us
so how do you think we happened to arrive
after stumbling out into the street late at night
after our parents have long fallen asleep
we'll sneak on up to the bar and ask to be served
so long as we have some coin of the realm
someone will get up the nerve to drink
with us and get high as the stars that appear
overhead will allow until we're good and ready to then go to bed.